Co získáte: 1xChocolate Drink, 1.000.000 Base EXP, 1x
Strawberry Flavored Rice Ball, moznost vyrabat u Baby Yagy
Condensed Red Potion a
Condensed Yellow Potion
No neviem ja som dostal úplne iné jedlo a drink (+10 INT a +8 VIT) a 333221 base EXP a 33306 job EXP
Co potřebujete: Chut behat, Level 60+, splneny Finding the Moving Island Quest, 1x Poring Card (staci ukazat), 25x Steel, 2x Cursed Ruby, 3x Gold, 1x Holy Water, 1x Cursed Water, 2x Yggdrasil Leaf, 10x Hinalle Leaflet, rozne itemy podla povolania
Jak dlouho to zabere: par hodin urcite