Oboro prestupovy quest


  • Vratte se do Amatsua vydejte se do Ninja guildy.
  • Az budete vchazet do utajene casti guildy zaslechnete konverzaci.
  • Najdete Wall with a drawing v hlavni casti Ninja guildy.(Za Armor Craftmanem)

  • Zvolte moznost: „Touch the drawing with your hand“
  • Dostanete se do nove mistnosti kde najdete stareho muze (Old man)

  • Promluvte si s nim a pokracujte dokud nesouhlasi ze Vas bude ucit.
  • Po te budete teleportovani do Amatsu. Vratte se za starým muzem a zeptejte se ho na jeho 4 testy.
  • Promluvte si s nim znovu dostanete na vyber ze 3 testu:

Test Znalostí

  • Butete poslani do mistnosti s Ninja instruktorem Cougarem, zepta se Vas na deset otazek.Aby jste prosli musite alepson 9x odpovedet spravne.

  • Seznam moznych otazek a odpovedi:
  1. What is the attack effect for Haze Slasher level 4? 140%
  2. How many hits does a Throw Kunai give to a monster? 3 times
  3. Which of the following correctly matches material needed to make a Icicle Kunai? 8 Nimbus Shuriken, 2 Ice Stones
  4. You are creating a weapon for huge monsters. What is the best card to use? Minorous Card
  5. What is the basic attack range for Throw Shuriken? 9 Blocks
  6. What is not the effect you get after reaching the STR status? Magic attack increase
  7. What is not the effect you get after reaching the AGI status? Accuracy increase
  8. What is not the effect you get after reaching the VIT status? Attack increase
  9. What is not the effect you get after reaching the INT status? Staff attack increase
  10. What is not the effect you get after reaching the DEX status? Evasion increase
  11. What is not the effect you get after reaching the LUK status? Accuracy increase
  12. How much money is used for Throw Coins level 6? 3000 ~ 6000
  13. Which of the following Kunai will give the most damage to the ground property monster, Porcellio? Heat Wave Kunai
  14. How long is the effect time for the Watery Evasion level 7 skill? 45 seconds
  15. What is the attack range when you master Flip Tatami? 3
  16. What is the maximum moving range of Shadow Leap? 9
  17. What weapon cannot be made by the blacksmith Khaibara? Huuma Wing Shuriken
  18. What level do you have to be in Dagger Throwing Practice in order to learn the Throw Coins skill? 10
  19. Which of the following is not an effect of the Watery Evasion skill? VIT decrease
  20. What is the highest job level for a Ninja? 70
  21. What is the property of the Lightning Jolt? Wind
  22. How much does STR/INT go up when Ninja Aura level 5 is used? 5
  23. What is the maximum hit number for Blaze Shield level 10? 9
  24. You are creating a weapon for mid-sized monsters. What is the best card to use? Skel Worker Card
  25. When your First Wind is at level 4, what will go with the MATK and range? MATK 500, 8 blocks
  26. You need a catalyst to use ninja skills. Which of the following skills does not need a catalyst? Flaming Petals
  27. Which of the following blacksmiths do not create Ninja items? Aiku
  28. What is the attack range for the Exploding Dragon? 5×5 cell
  29. How many skill points do you need to master the Throw Coins skill? 35
  30. Which of the following skills can't you learn at Dagger Throwing Practice level 7? Throw Coins
  31. If Dagger Throwing Practice is at 7, how much ATK is added to Shuriken attacks? 21
  32. Which NPC promotes you? Valkyrie
  33. How much power is in the Huuma Blaze Shuriken weapon? Fireball 5, DEX -2
  34. How many skill points do you need to master the Cicada Skin Shed? 5
  35. You are hunting the Orc Warrior. Which Kunai would you use? Heat Wave Kunai
  36. Which of the following is the best skill to use when attacking a ground property enemy? ' Exploding Dragon
  37. How do Ninjas get promoted? None
  38. What is the name of the suspicious man you can meet during the Ninja job change quest? Red Leopard Joe
  39. Which Ninja Mastery skill level do you need to learn the Exploding Dragon skill? 10
  40. What is the level of Dagger Throwing Practice you have to reach to learn the Killing Strike skill? 7
  41. Which catalyst do you need to use the Blaze Shield skill? Flame Stone
  42. Which of the following is the correct number of Evasion and effect duration for Mirror Image level 10? Up to 5 and 240 seconds
  43. Which of the following matches are incorrect for skill and property? Freezing Spear-Ground
  44. How much power is in the Murasame weapon? Human critical +10
  45. Which village is the Ninja Guild located in? Amatsu
  46. You are creating a weapon for small monsters. What is the best card to use? Desert Wolf Card
  47. What is the most important aspect of increasing ATK for the Killing Strike skill? Max HP
  48. You need to equip a card to your shoes to enhance Killing Strike attack. Which of the following is the appropriate card to equip? Matyr Card
  49. What was next to me when you first met me? A brazier
  50. What is the DEX + LUK total for a Job Master? 10

Test preziti

  • Jde o velkou deskovou hru -stejne jako v kazde „deskovce“ budete hazet kostkou, a posunete se o stanoveny pocet policek.Na policku Vas muze a nemusi cekat specificky oznam/pokyn podle ktereho se budete ridit.Nebo si budete moci vybrat z nabizenych moznosti.
  • Mate 100LP (Life Points=Body zivota) kazdy hod kostkou stoji 1LP. Ukolem „hry“ je dostat se na 40 herni policko s nenulovým poctem LP.
  • Behem hry se muzete dostat na policka kde muzete hrat kamen nuzky papir - dle vysledku muzete byt nuceni cekat urcenou dobu, hodit kostkou nebo zaplatit urcity pocet LP za pruchod - pripadne zda vas hra posle zpet.Pokud budete mit stesti muzete ziskat i bonusove LP.

Zde najdete popis policek hraci plochy

Casem to nekdo prepise/prelozi -tet nemam cas a chut se nervovat s nesmyslnym slucovanim bunek tabulky na nasi wiky, pokud ma dana tabulka vetsi velikost.

Test Zbrojířství

  • Tento test se sklada ze 3 castí v prvni budete tavit material ve druhe kovat, kalit, popustet sve vytvory a ve treti vyzkousite sve stesti s upgradem na +7 pri brouseni.
  • Znovu si pokecejte i s Cougarem:

  • A nezapomente na Red Leopard Joa.

Prvni cast:

  • Musite roztavit Iron ore , Iron, Steel, Rought Oridecon nebo Elunium pripadne pharacon v nektere z 3 „peci“. Materiali muzete libovlne kombinovat anebo tavit jednotive.Nemuzete pokracovat dal pokud neni pec plna.

  • Na jendu varku potrebujete:

  • cca 20 kusu Iron Ore na 1 zbran.
  • 10 kusuIron na 1 zbran.
  • 7 kusu Ocele na 1 zbran.
  • 7 kusu Rought Oridecon 1 zbran.
  • 7 kusu Rought Elunium 1 zbran.
  • 20 kusu pharaconu 1 zbran.

  • Poznatky při plnění:
    • Stačí použít jeden z materiálů. (Použito například 60 phracon a 2 steel)
    • Když odejdete z místnosti, přijdete o materiál.

Druha cast:

  • Niní je cas na trochu kovariny a dalsiho spracovani. Nejdriv se Vas zepta co chcete vytvorit, zda Kuani nebo Huumu(a odlejete do formy).
  • Pote nasleduje kaleni a popusteni -v dialogu si zvolite jak moc chcete Vas vytvor zakalit a popustit/prekovat.
  • Pokud se Vam tato cast nepovede vracite se k taveni materialu.

Treti cast

  • Zde Vas ceka rafinace, musi se Vám to povest min na +7 jinak Vam to Red Panther Joe neuzna.

Bojový test (zaver)

  • Zaverecny test je hodne podobny jinym prestupovim questum. Musite najit mostrum „Rodinne tajemsvi“ mezi desitkami podobne pojmenovanych porvor -hodne stesti :-D

  • Pokud se Vam to povede staci si promluvit s instruktorem Gionem.

Gratuluji mate to za sebou ;-) Alulim 2013/09/11 13:00


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