
Vzorec pro výpočet Acid Demonstration


INT - INT creatora
VIT - VIT cíle

Proti hráčům je výsledný DMG redukován na 50%

Ostatní info okolo AD

Vzorec na vypocet dmg u AD

CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION: updated the formula based on a Japanese formula found to be exact [Reddozen]
md.damage = 7*tstatus→vit*sstatus→int_*sstatus→int_ / (10*(tstatus→vit+sstatus→int_)); ←- 1
if (tsd) md.damage»=1;
if (md.damage < 0 || md.damage > INT_MAX»1)
Overflow prevention, will anyone whine if I cap it to a few billion?
Not capped to INT_MAX to give some room for further damage increase.
md.damage = INT_MAX»1;

Skill ma ranged flag (blokuje ho pneuma, karty…) stejne jako ostatni skilly co v tomhle kodu jsou

md.flag = (md.flag&~BF_RANGEMASK)|BF_LONG; ←-3

Skill se pro redukce pri GW bere jako Misc

490,9,8,1,0,0,0,10,1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10,yes,0,0,0,misc,0 CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION#Acid Demonstration#**

01 ID
02 range (combo skills do not check for range when used, if 0 and skill is not inf = 4, use base weapon's range)
03 hit (8- repeated hitting, 6- single-hit)
04 inf (0- passive, 1- enemy, 2- place, 4- self, 16- friend, 32- trap)
05 pl attributes (0- nothing, 1- water, 2- earth, 3- fire, 4- wind,5- poison, 6- saint, 7- darkness, 8- sense, 9- immortality)
06 nk (0- normal skill, 1-no damage skill, 2-splash damage skill,-no damage area skill, 4-splash and split damage skill)
07 splash/effect range (-1 for screen-wide)
08 MaxLv
09 Number of hits (when positive, damage is increased by hits,- negative values just show number of hits without increasing total damage)
10 castcancelled (it is cancelled at 1. Are not cancelled with 0)
11 defense-reduction rate during cast.
12 inf2 (skill information 2) (1- quest skill, 2- npc skill, 4- wedding skill
8- spirit skill, 16- guild skill, 32- song/dance, 64- ensemble skill 128- trap (can be targetted), 256- skill that damages/targets yourself 512- cannot be casted on self (if inf = 4, auto-select target skill) 1024- usable only on party-members, 2048- usable only on guild-mates 4096- allow usage on enemies too (use with 1024/2048)) 13 maxcount: max amount of skill instances to place on the ground when- player_land_skill_limit/monster_land_skill_limit is enabled.
14 attack type (none, weapon, magic, misc)
15 Blowcount (amount of tiles skill knockbacks)


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