Genetic schopnosti

Blood Sucker
Create Bomb (Bomb Creation)
Cart Boost
Cart Cannon
Cart Remodeling
Cart Tornado
Change Material
Crazy Weed
Demonic Fire
Fire Expansion
Full Throttle- Aktivní až po implementaci 175/60
Hallucination Drug- Aktivní až po implementaci 175/60
Hell's Plant (Hell Plant)
Sling Item (Item Sling)
Howling of Mandragora (Mandragora Howling)
Mix Cooking (Mixed Cooking)
Special Pharmacy
Spore Explosion
Sword Training (Sword Mastery)
Thorn Trap (Thorns Trap)
Wall Of Thorns (Wall Of Thorn)

Acid Demonstration (Acid Bomb)
Slim Potion Pitcher (Aid Condensed Potion)
Plant Cultivation (Cultivate Plant)
Full Chemical Protection (Full Protection)

Acid Terror
Axe Mastery
Berserk Pitcher (Aid Berserk Potion) - spirit skill
Bio Cannibalize (Summon Flora)
Bioethics - quest skill
Call Homunculus
Demonstration (Bomb)
Chemical Protection Armor (Synthetic Armor)
Chemical Protection Helm (Biochemical Helm)
Chemical Protection Shield (Synthesized Shield)
Chemical Protection Weapon ([chemical_protection_weapon|[Alchemical Weapon]])
Learning Potion (Potion Research)
Pharmacy (Prepare Potion)
Potion Pitcher (Aid Potion)
Prepare Potion - elemental resist - quest skill
Resurrect Homunculus
Sphere Mine (Summon Marine Sphere)
Twilight Alchemy I - spirit skill
Twilight Alchemy II - spirit skill
Twilight Alchemy III - spirit skill

Cart Revolution - quest skill
Enlarge Weight Limit
Change Cart - quest skill
Identify (Item Appraisal)
Loud Exclamation (Crazy Uproar) - quest skill

Basic Skill
First Aid - quest skill



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